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Press releases

  • The Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec, Canada (CRIAQ) and Ludwig Bölkow Campus (LBC) in Bavaria, Germany sign a letter of intent
    03 April 2017

    Munich, 3 April 2017 - The Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec (CRIAQ) signed today a collaboration agreement (LoI) with Ludwig Bölkow Campus (LBC), a cooperation of Ludwig Bölkow Campus GmbH and Munich Aerospace e.V., ( to significantly increase R&D collaboration in the aerospace and security sector. [ more... ]

  • First step towards founding ‘Aerospace Factory Additive Manufacturing’ at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus
    07 April 2016

    Munich, 7 April 2016 – Declaration of intent signed to found an international research and application centre for additive manufacturing processes with a focus on aerospace propulsion systems at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus (LBC). [ more... ]

  • Algae cultivation center opened at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus
    13 October 2015

    Munich, 13 October 2015 - The Technical University of Munich (TUM) has built a worldwide one-of-a-kind technical facility for algae cultivation at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus in Ottobrunn to the south of Munich in cooperation with Airbus Group. Efficient processes for producing biokerosene and chemical products from algae will be developed there. [ more... ]

  • Industry 4.0 above the clouds
    24 June 2015

    “Urban Space. Rural Space. Cyberspace! Innovations for a Digital World": Airbus APWorks developed an excellent innovation for a digital World

    Ottobrunn, 24 June 2015 – The Airbus APWorks GmbH got awarded as a „Landmark in the Land of Ideas" in the German competition „Germany Land of Ideas“ 2015. The “Landmarks in the Land of Ideas” competition honors ideas and projects that stand as beacons for Germany as a location. [ more... ]

  • Ludwig Bölkow Campus on the road to success
    22 May 2015

    Industry and science sign cooperation agreement - Foundation for collaboration with bavAIRia e.V. laid

    Munich, 22 May 2015 – Just three years after being established, the Ludwig Bölkow Campus in Ottobrunn is continuing on its path to success. As part of a joint event with the Bavarian Minister of Economics, Ilse Aigner, the CEO of the Airbus Group, Tom Enders and the Director General of the European Space Agency, Jean-Jacques Dordain in Ottobrunn [ more... ]